Šimon, P., Dostál, Z.: Small experimental PV system, 44. Nekonvenční zdroje elektrické energie, CZ, 2023, V2, , ISBN-978-80-02-03018-8,
Jurečka, S.: Thin films in renewable energy resources applications, Alternatívne zdroje energie = Alternative energy resources, SK, 2022, V2, , ISBN-978-80-972992-7-9 (online),
Jurečka, S., Králik, M.: Analysis of spectral reflectance of layers formed by anodic etching of silicon, Current approaches in science and technology research. Vol. 10, IN, 2022, V2, , ISBN-978-93-91312-70-1,
Jurečka, S., Králik, M.: Forming of porous silicon layers for PV applications, APCOM 2021 : 26th International conference on applied physics of condensed matter. Štrbské Pleso, Slovak Republic. June 23-25, 2021, US, 2022, V2, WOS, SCOPUS, ISBN-978-0-7354-4138-5,
Cibira, G.: Simplified statistical thresholding techniques for dynamic bandwidth allocation in shared Super-PON, ELEKTRO 2022 : conference proceedings, US, 2022, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-978-1-6654-6725-4 (online),
Jurečka, S., Králik, M.: Microstructure and optical properties of etched silicon layers for photovoltaic applications, ELEKTRO 2022 : conference proceedings, US, 2022, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-978-1-6654-6725-4 (online),
Šimon, P.: Inovácie vo využití solárnej energie, Energetický manažment 2022. Najlepšia energia je tá, ktorú nemusíme spotrebovať : zborník prednášok z 8. vedecko-odbornej konferencie so zahraničnou účasťou, SK, 2022, V2, , ISBN-978-80-89878-90-1,
Čendula, P.: Theory of charge transport in the illuminated semiconductor/liquid junctions, New advances in semiconductors, GB, 2022, V2, , ISBN-978-1-80355-682-6,
Jurečka, S.: The properties of CuFeO2 and Mo2N layers for photoelectrochemical production of hydrogen, Proceedings of 12th Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces : Extended Abstract Books, SK, 2022, V2, , ISBN-978-80-223-5494-3,